Everyone awaits the warmer weather so they can spend more time outdoors, enjoying the sunshine and balmy temperatures. However, summer is also a prime time for injuries from overdoing the fun. When summer muscles strains and lingering pain occurs, chiropractic care can provide effective relief, so you can resume your summer activities more comfortably. Chiropractor Partners offers 10 locations for your convenience.

Man with lower back pain in summer.

Sports Sprains and Strains

Playing outdoor sports with friends and family can leave individuals with back strains, groin pulls, shoulder pain or knee pain. Chiropractic care can help relieve discomfort from these minor injuries, so you can continue enjoying outdoor fun.

Hiking Injuries

A long walk in uneven terrain can result in lower back pain, hip discomfort, knee pain and foot pain. Your chiropractor can utilize a number of techniques to help resolve these issues, so you can hit the trail again.

Water Sports Injuries

Water-skiing, tubing and wake-boarding can cause shoulder and back sprains, knee pain and ankle pain. Your chiropractor can help relieve pain and get you back to full function.

Running/Jogging Injuries

After a long winter, your body may not be ready for these vigorous physical workouts of a running or jogging routine. If you develop knee pain, hip pain or foot pain from your regime, see a chiropractor for spinal manipulation that can put you in better alignment for your regime.

Summer Home Improvement Activities

Summer also provides opportunities to do some home remodeling or outdoor landscaping on your property. This work can cause shoulder, back and knee injuries that can slow your progress. Your NC chiropractor can provide relief for these minor strains.

Outdoor Fun With Pets

Long walks in the park, Frisbee throwing, and tugging toys can leave pet owners with back pain, shoulder pain or hip discomfort. We can provide solutions to relieve pain from these activities, so you can get back to having fun with your pet.

Make Chiropractic Partners Your North Carolina Chiropractor

The chiropractors of Chiropractic Partners have the knowledge and experience you need to resolve your summer injuries and warm weather sports injuries effectively and safely.

Contact Chiropractic Partners today at our primary corporate number 919-785-3823 for an appointment at one of our 10 locations to schedule chiropractic care for your summer injuries.


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