On any normal day in our chiropractor’s office, the response to the question, “How are you?,” is often, “Tired!” There are plenty of ways to boost your energy level. Here are 3 simple ideas you can easily work into your normal routine or incorporate into your lifestyle.

1.  The Early Bird Gets the Worm!

If you aren't a “morning person” and think the best way to increase your energy level is to stay in bed all day, you’re wrong. Try getting up earlier consistently. You’ll be surprised by how much more energy you have and how much more productive you are! Start the day with a brisk walk or jog followed by a balanced meal, and your body and mind will be renewed and ready for the rest of the day.  Need help with exercises, stretches or nutrition to achieve a better you?... we can help!

2.  Escape for a Few!

There are many things in life that will drain your energy. One of the best ways to re-energize and refocus is to “escape” for a few minutes. Take a short walk, a fresh air break or find a place at work and at home to get away from the stresses for a few minutes. You will find that by just taking a couple of minutes away from stressful situations you will help to renew your energy for the rest of the day.  Also, there is always treating yourself to a massage at our office!

3.  De-Stress and Decompress!

Even if you start the day off with plenty of energy and you replenish it throughout the day, by the end of your day, it is likely you are exhausted. Both mental and physical exhaustion are actually key causes for getting restless, little, or no sleep. One of the best ways to keep this from happening is to decompress in the evening. Whether you enjoy reading a book, taking a bath, or meditating, take a little bit of time at the end of your day to relax and get away from the worries and stresses in your everyday life.  Also, consider physically decompressing with our spinal decompression therapy or stretching out with traction tables, stretch out and relax!
Following these few steps and incorporating them into your daily routine will likely be much easier than you anticipate. Call any of our 10 Chiropractic Partners offices to discuss more ways to increase your energy level at your next visit.  You may also message us through our corporate Facebook page to help with any questions or concerns you may have


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