1. Show Them the Way!

Parents have a tremendous influence, for better or worse, on their children. As a parent, if you are constantly on the couch, not getting up and moving or getting out and being active, you are showing your children that this is an okay lifestyle. However, if you get up and show your kids the value of an active life and physical activity, you will show them the road to a healthy lifestyle!http://load.exelator.com/load/?lb=AA30553

2. Unplug for Awhile

Often, after a long day at work, all we want to do is to sit on the couch and watch TV, play video games, or surf the internet on the computer. This makes it all too easy for us to become “couch potatoes.” While there's not a simple solution, establishing a daily time limit on these activities is a great start.

3. Make Time

With busy schedules involving work, driving the kids to and from school, and various other activities, we often forget to make time for things such as walks in the park or getting the kids involved in soccer, gymnastics, or the like. Allow time in your busy schedule for extracurricular activities that involve physical activity. Find out what your kids are interested in and be sure to make time in your weekly schedule for it.

4. Make It Fun

No matter your age, you're more likely to stick with an activity if you enjoy it. Unfortunately, exercise often becomes a chore instead of a pleasing activity. This usually begins at a young age, basically as soon as children get involved in the rigors of organized sports. While it's never all fun and games, exercise should never be a dreaded activity if you do it right. Be creative with physical activities and teach your children that being active is fun at any age.

Call Chiropractic Partners to make an appointment today and ask your local chiropractor what steps you can take to get more physically active or ideas for getting your children interested in being more active!


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