Have You Been Injured in an Auto Accident? Your Local Chiropractors In Raleigh Can Help!

Doctor helping out patient by adjusting their neck

After a car accident, our chiropractors in Raleigh can help you find natural pain relief. With chiropractic care, you can recover from an auto accident injury without requiring expensive and potentially addictive pain medication. 

Auto Accident Injury Symptoms 

If you experience pain after an auto accident that does not go away after a couple of days, there could be something wrong. Other symptoms that suggest a lingering injury such as whiplash include limited ability to move, muscle tension, stiffness, and pain radiating into your limbs. 

Back pain and whiplash are common after a car accident due to the force of the impact. Soft tissue injuries are also common after an auto accident. Swollen and sore muscles, inflammation, and pain are common. Fortunately, all of these injuries respond well to chiropractic treatment, so you can recover fully without needing surgery or drugs. 

Treatment of Car Accident Injuries With Chiropractic Care

For soft tissue and muscle injuries, chiropractic care is an effective way to reduce inflammation, decrease tension, and promote recovery. Every adjustment boosts the nervous system, which is the body's self-healing capacity. Adjustments increase circulation in tissue, and this fresh supply of blood cleanses and renews injured tissue. Pain relief follows naturally. 

Back pain and whiplash treatments restore the spinal alignment through gentle yet tailored chiropractic adjustments. By bringing the spine back into alignment, our chiropractors unblock muscles and joints, increase the range of motion, and restore musculoskeletal integrity. When your bones and ligaments are properly positioned, the rest of your body can start healing. 

Throughout the process, our chiropractors will provide wellness tips that promote your recovery. Treatment time varies depending on the extent of your specific injuries. Most patients can expect to spend 3 to 6 weeks on treatment. 

See Our Chiropractors in Raleigh

After an auto accident, get checked out by our Raleigh chiropractors. We'll fix any auto accident injury we find and provide peace of mind that you are well. To reserve your consultation, please call the clinic or request an appointment online. Your initial consult is FREE. We look forward to meeting with you!


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