Mikaela had her first ear infection when she was 3 ½ years old. After repeated ear infections, doctors decided it was time to put in a set of tubes and take out her adenoids. Adenoids are masses of enlarged lymphatic tissue between the back of the nose and the throat, often hindering speaking and breathing in young children. 

The first set of tubes helped and Mikaela didn’t have another ear infection for about a year. The next infection Mikaela developed was coupled with strep throat and a persistent cough. Doctors then determined she had mild hearing loss and wanted to let the problem heal on its own. Mikaela’s parents didn’t agree with this and decided it was time to switch doctors. They felt there was something the doctors must have been missing.

A few weeks later, she developed a yet another ear infection and doctors scheduled her to have a second set of tubes put in. Her parents were beyond frustrated. Mikaela had blown out her eardrums seven times in less than a year. She started on antibiotics and awaited her third set of tubes.

Mikaela’s parents still wanted to explore other options; they did not want their daughter to experience to the pain of tubes ever again. After being referred to Dr. Ransone at Chiropractic Partners by several friends, they decided to give chiropractic a try.

Mikalea quickly began treatment with Dr. Ransone. He recommended stopping all antibiotics, cutting down on dairy, and, taking fish oil. After the first month of no ear problems Mikalea began consuming dairy again without a problem.

Her parents were thrilled; they now knew why their friends were so passionate about chiropractic treatment at Chiropractic Partners. Mikaela regained her hearing, avoided the last set of tubes and was able to remain off antibiotics. She has continued to see Dr. Ransone and appreciates the gift he has given her!

“We discovered it truly was the chiropractic treatment of Dr. Ransone at Chiropractic Partners. We avoided another set of tubes and have been ear problem free for four months. Before treatment, Mikaela loved to swim and wasn’t able to because the water would hurt her ears. Now she is able to swim again and is no longer having pain in her ears. We couldn’t have found a chiropractor that works better with children. Dr. Ransone has a family and children of his own, he knows exactly how to treat and work with children. We will definitely bring Mikaela to Dr. Ransone again at the first sign of any illness especially ear infections. Thanks Dr. Ransone and his staff!”


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