One of the wonderful things about being a chiropractor is that we are not only concerned with our patients’ neck and back pain. We are interested in the overall well-being of our patients. That being said, I want to take this opportunity to give you some safety tips to consider in preparation for the oncoming storms that Hurricane Florence will be delivering to the Carolinas, and the greater Southeast region.

  1. Make sure you collect and protect all of your important documents, including insurance cards, social security cards, birth certificates, licenses, titles and deeds, and photos of special people and events.
  2. Take videos or photos of your property before you leave. This will help with insurance claims that you may need to file after the storm.
  3. Consider alternate housing, whether it be booking a hotel further from the high-threat areas. You may also consider printing out maps/directions in advance, in case of power and/or cell tower outages.
  4. Make sure that you make proper arrangements for your pets during this time too. Find pet-friendly hotels, or find friends and family away from the coast who are willing to let you and your pets stay with them.
  5. Keep a travel kit (including sleeping gear, clothes for each person, and other important items) in a designated, easily accessible area, in case you have to evacuate for a nearby shelter quickly.
  6. Compile a hurricane kit. Things to include in this kit are: clothes, batteries, flashlights and battery operated lanterns, battery operated radio/TV, bottled water, toilet paper, non-perishable foods (crackers, canned foods, etc.), manual can opener, candles, and prescription medicines. Parents with young children, remember diapers, baby wipes, formula & baby food. If you wish to cook food during the storm, having a gas operated camping stove is a good idea, as long as it’s permitted at your apartment/home or shelter. Just make sure it is operated safely.
  7. In the event of prolonged power outages, make sure that you have plenty of cash, since banks may be closed and ATMs may be down.
  8. It is not an absolute necessity, but having board games, cards, puzzles, and your children’s favorite toys is a good idea to keep you and your children occupied as the storm passes. Also consider coloring books and crayons.
  9. If you decide to stay home, board up your windows with plywood. If plywood is not available, crisscrossing duct tape across your windows may help from scattering of broken glass. Place towels at the window sills and bottom of doors to the exterior, to help prevent heavy rains and flood waters from rushing into your home.
  10. Finally, if you decide to weather the storm, stay inside and stay put. However tempting it may be to take videos or photographs of the storm, please stay away from the windows, and do not go outside to get this footage.


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