This topic of youth sports is brought to us by Dr. Wallace at our Fuquay office.

When you read or think about some of your favorite sports teams, do you often think about your kids or other youth that play sports too? We see numerous patients who play sports...male, female, adults, and youth. Often times, these kids range from tee ball players, cheerleaders, football players, to collegiate athletes. Whether the sport of choice is “low impact” (such as basketball) or “high impact” (such as football), protecting your children is always your top priority. There are some key things you can do to keep your child healthy and help prevent injury while participating in any sport.

  • Wear Protective Equipment – If your kids participate in a sport in which protective equipment is necessary, make sure they wear it! Whether its football pads, shin guards for soccer, knee pads for volleyball, helmets, or something else, it’s important to follow the guidelines of the sport when it comes to protective equipment. These pieces of equipment were created specifically to help with impact related injuries such as tackles, being kicked, or falling.
  • Eat Well and Take Vitamins! – Feeding your children balanced meals is always important. When they are maintaining a high level of physical activity while involved in sports, a healthy diet is key to their health and performance. Be sure your children are taking a multivitamin as well. Getting essential vitamins can promote muscle and bone strength, helping to prevent injury.
  • Rest Up! – Ensure your children are well rested by maintaining a regular sleep schedule.
  • Get Adjusted! – Regular chiropractic adjustments benefit those of all ages. The higher the level of activity, the more stress your children can be putting on their spine, and in turn, their nervous system as a whole. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help keep your child’s nervous system healthy and functioning properly.
  • Pay close attention to injuries! We help treat sports injuries as well as provide soft tissue treatment options for those strains and sprains!  Wondering whether to apply ice or heat? wrap or not? need x-rays?  Let our team of chiropractors help you understand the extent of the injury and begin treatments to heal!

Talk to Chiropractic Partners today about nutrition and preventing sports injury. Call any one of our 11 convenient locations to schedule an appointment!  

0079089001583266224.jpgPictured in Middle, Dr. Wallace at our Fuquay office with former wrestlers.


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