You may be wondering, “If I start getting adjustments, do I need to come in forever?” Initially, most patients come in because they are in some kind of pain or discomfort. There are three levels of care that I offer to my patients. Every person is different as far as what they are looking to achieve.

There is, of course, relief care. As the name suggests, this is simply to get rid of whatever pain you are experiencing for the time being.

However, the second level of care is always the best route to take. This is corrective care. Often, by the time a patient is willing to go see someone for the pain they are experiencing; it has been going on for awhile. After that first initial adjustment, muscle memory can often cause the adjustment to basically be “undone.” What does this mean? The muscles around the injured or affected area have gotten used to the incorrect position, or misalignment, of the spinal cord or affected joint. This misalignment reoccurs, thereby causing the pain to return. Corrective care entails multiple adjustments over time. By following a corrective course of treatment, the muscles are retrained to maintain the correct alignment of the treated area.

Patients often ask why they need to come in once they get past their initial pain. This brings us to the final level of care, known as “wellness” care. Studies show that regular chiropractic adjustments are beneficial for sustaining long term correction and preventing reoccurrence of the initial injury. I encourage my patients to come in for regular adjustments as the final course of treatment, as it can not only prevent a relapse of the original injury, but also improve overall health of the nervous system.

So, to answer the initial question, no, you do not have to come in “forever.” However, by coming in for an adjustment every 4 to 6 weeks, or “wellness” care, you are simply improving your overall health and keeping your back pain, headaches, or joint pain from reoccurring.

Call your Raleigh chiropractor today to schedule your free consultation and discuss what course of treatment will best benefit your lifestyle.


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