Today’s times sure have changed…I know, I know, we all tell our kids “get outside more” or “time to get off your device”. Children (and most parents) are on iPads or laptops at school/work all day, then come home and want to play video games or sit on their phones.  I heard daily screen time of American kids today is 10 times higher than it was in 2011!  That can be detrimental to our health and the effects of tech neck are literally a pain in the neck!

Here are some FAQ’s and tips to help educate you and your children about the dangers of tech neck.

  • What is Tech Neck?

Sitting for long periods of time with your head looking down at a device can lead to tech neck. Your head hanging forward can lead to pain and discomfort that may coming from Nerve impingement, Arthritis, Disc injury or Muscle strain.

This condition is sometimes called “text neck,” but is now is more commonly referred to as tech neck because it’s not just about texting anymore. The time you or your child spend looking down at screens can cause damage to the structures in the neck and spine. That’s why it’s so important to ensure you and your kids take steps to stay healthy as they live in today’s world of technology.

  • Get Active

In order to help children avoid tech neck, encourage daily activity! Try to compromise with them…even if they’re watching television, try using commercial time to get a little movement in. Walking in place, games, stretching, or some jumping jacks will help prevent the muscle strain that can happen while sitting in one place for too long.

  • Begin with Stretches

First thing in the morning, take a few minutes to help your kids stretch, do it with them! Stretching helps flexibility and can help take strain and stress off the spine! This can be crucial before they spend the whole day sitting at school or getting on their device.

  • How do I help them to use Technology the Right Way?

Let’s be realistic, you can’t avoid technology …and neither will your children. Start by being an example! Show your child how to hold their device or phone up to their face. Keeping their phone or screen at eye level can help to reduce the pressure on their neck. 

  • Limit Screen Time

Try to limit screen time no more than two hours of each day. This might be easier said than done, but it will help your child stay healthy, and it’s so important to help them find other activities.

Chiropractic care is for people of all ages. You and your child can’t avoid technology, so make sure you’re starting off with the foundation of having excellent spinal health. Our chiropractors make sure you and your child are free from subluxations or any nerve interference so your body is in optimum health! We want to be sure that using technology doesn’t make any existing problem worsen.

Call us today at 919.785.3823 or message us HERE on our Facebook page.  Chiropractic Partners is restoring health and wellness every day!


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