Tips to Prevent Injury While Working Outdoors in Raleigh, NC

At our Chiropractic Partners locations in Raleigh, as well as, Cary, Garner, Clayton, Durham, Wake Forest, and Fuquay NC -our staff is looking forward to the Spring--just like you probably are! It's a perfect time to get started on all those projects around the house--from yard work to household repairs to gardening. But be mindful: even simple chores around the house can cause nagging injuries that may take the "spring" out of your step. 

5 Ways To Prevent Common Outdoor Injuries 

  1. Learn and use good body mechanics. People often see us around this time of year because of a lower back muscle strain or vertebral joint subluxation sustained while trying to lift something heavy, such as lawn furniture. Our chiropractors can teach you safer and more energy efficient ways to move so that you can get more done around the yard--without sacrificing your spine health. And don't forget: when in doubt, ask for help! 
  2. Always use the correct gear and equipment. Be sure to wear supportive footwear that will protect your feet, prevent slips and trips, and promote optimal spine and pelvic alignment. Consider energy-saving devices like wheelbarrows and dollies to help you negotiate supplies around your yard. If you're climbing a ladder to wash windows, clean out gutters, or perform some other task, be sure someone is with you to secure the ladder and reduce your risk of falls. 
  3. Take breaks. Being stooped over a garden bed all day can strain your back. Other outdoor tasks--like raking, tilling, and planting--can increase your risk for an overuse injury, including carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis. On yard work day, be sure to take plenty of breaks and drink lots of water to stay well hydrated, which can help prevent injury. 
  4. Address--don't ignore--your pain. We're wary of the phrase "no pain, no gain." If you're struggling with neck, back, shoulder, or hip pain, then schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors. It's the best way to prevent a small condition from developing into something bigger. We offer several non-invasive and drug-free techniques to provide effective pain relief, decreased inflammation and swelling, accelerated tissue healing, and restored mobility as soon as possible following an acute injury. 
  5. Consult with a chiropractor for a pre-season "tune up." Chiropractic care is useful not just for treating outdoor-related injuries. It's also useful for preventing outdoor-related injuries. Our chiropractic doctors can identify early warning signs of a potential spinal misalignment or postural imbalance and help you correct these issues before they lead to an acute injury. 

Call Our Chiropractors in Raleigh Today!

Get help now from our chiropractors in Raleigh,NC -also serving the communities of Cary, Garner, Clayton, Durham, Wake Forest, and Fuquay! Call us today! We look forward to meeting with you!


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