Inactivity Can Cause Potential Sports Injuries

A lack of exercise can cause an array of detrimental effects, including a higher risk of death. Unfortunately, with the onset of the COVID-19 lockdown, more and more people remain indoors, which has resulted in reduced activity levels. At Chiropractic Partners here in the North Carolina Triangle area, our team of chiropractors wants to help ensure that everyone remains healthy and injury-free through these unprecedented times. 

Some of the top issues resulting from the "Safer Inside" program are found here:

Joint Pain and Muscle Atrophy

Muscle atrophy is the physical process that occurs when your muscles begin wasting away or breaking down. You gain fattier tissue once the muscle is broken down, while you lose lean muscle. This can result in muscle atrophy, slower metabolism, and an increase in fat. Long periods of inactivity can cause thread joining tissue to weaken and arthritic joints to stiffen. This also increases your risk of back pain if you aren't exercising regularly.

Weight Regain After Dieting

If you don't exercise regularly, you will likely regain any weight you have lost. Most people will want to stop exercising after achieving their goal weight; however, this isn't a smart move. Exercise is the best way to prevent weight regain and reduce the issues and injuries that are related to inactivity.


Inactivity can harm your mental health, too. There is a direct link between depression, a lack of exercise, and reduced well-being.

Back &  Neck Pain and Poor Posture

While working from home, you may find yourself slumped over more on the couch, working from your bed, or realizing you don't have the proper work chair.  This not only leads to poor posture, but can take a toll on your back, neck, and shoulders.  Try to stretch regularly and if you don't have a good desk chair, you can always stand!  A taller work table with your laptop at your eye level could work wonders!  Another option is sitting on a yoga ball...it will strengthen your core and encourage you to hold those shoulders up!  Don't forget to avoid looking down at your device for too long, text/tech neck will cause headaches and tension, so remember; look up!

Why You Should Keep Moving

Now is the time to keep moving. While the COVID-19 lockdown has created feelings of uncertainty, it doesn't mean you have to sit at home, inactive, and unhappy. When you keep moving, you can avoid several medical issues and reduce the possibility of injury when you finally get up and get moving again.

Seek Help for Aches, Pains, and Potential Sports Injuries

Have you experienced an injury due to inactivity? If so, now is the time to schedule an appointment with our team at Chiropractic Partners. We have 11 offices throughout the Triangle to provide the services and solutions you need. We are here to restore your health and wellness today!


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