Knee Pain and Sports Injuries

It’s common in sports to develop injuries no matter what kind of sport you are playing. Sports injuries can be painful and limit you from achieving your full potential. When it comes to Volleyball and other sports, injures are common,. If left untreated, it can make it impossible to play. At Chiropractic Partners in the Triangle, we help you recover from your knee injuries and get you back to playing certain sports like volleyball at your best.

Common Causes of Knee Pain

Jumper’s Knee

When playing volleyball, jumping is unavoidable. Sometimes jumping can cause extreme stress, partially rapturing the patella tendon. This rupture can result in inflammation and degeneration. Some of the symptoms you need to observe is stiffness and pain after exertion, pain when you contract the quadriceps muscles, and pain in the lower part of your kneecap.

Torn ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament)

The ACL is the ligament in the middle of your knee that helps it to rotate steadily. When playing volleyball, your knee may bend or twist too far, resulting in partial or total tear of this ligament. This injury is associated with a popping noise, speedy swelling, and extreme pain. ACL tear is a serious knee injury that should be evaluated by our team for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Meniscus Tear

The meniscus is the cartilage between your shinbone and the thighbone that provides shock absorption. Meniscus tear is a sports injury caused by a direct blow to your knee or twisting the knee while squatting. Symptoms may include limited motion range, knee locking, stiffness, and swelling. Chiropractic methods can help lessen your pain and enhance your performance after sustaining a meniscus tear.

Knee Cap Dislocation

Knee cap dislocation, also known as the patellar dislocation, is a sports injury that is observed mostly in volleyball players. It occurs when the bone covering the patella moves out of its position. It is common in young athletes due to the twisting stress on the knee. Still, it can also be caused by direct contact. This injury requires proper diagnosis and can be treated through physical therapy.

Get Rid of Your Knee Pain

Are you experiencing knee pain after playing volleyball? At Chiropractor Partners in the Triangle, we can conduct a thorough diagnosis of your knee injury and provide treatment that is right for you. 

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