Are You Wondering How Adding Chiropractic Care To Your Lifestyle Will Make 2021 Better? 

Check out these benefits of visiting Chiropractic Partners throughout the new year and beyond!

  • Fewer Aches and Pains. It's always easier to prevent problems than it is to treat them, and aches and pains are no exception. During periodic chiropractic visits, your chiropractor can identify subluxations and correct them before they trigger pain, inflammation, and muscle tension. Misaligned vertebrae or tight muscles press on nerves, causing or increasing pain. Regular appointments help keep your spine aligned and your muscles and joints limber.
  • Quicker Healing. Chiropractic treatments like spinal manipulation, soft tissue mobilization, and ultrasound therapy, improve blood flow to injured areas, speed healing, reduce muscle spasms, and promote healing.
  • Less Stress. Massage therapy, one of the services offered by your chiropractor, provides the perfect way to treat stress naturally. If your life is hectic, you'll want to add regular chiropractic visits to your calendar. Treatments decrease the production of the stress hormone cortisol while triggering your body to release serotonin and endorphins, natural chemicals that help you feel relaxed and happy.
  • Treatment for Headaches and Migraines.  Chiropractic care addresses migraines and headaches as pain arising from dysfunction of the nervous system, specifically compression of nerves by misaligned spinal vertebrae. The type of chiropractic care to treat headaches will be determined in your consultation. The care that is typically given is a series of spinal adjustments, massage therapy, spinal decompression, and nutritional guidance.  Should you need further evaluation or imaging, you may be referred to a different specialist such as a neurologist.
  • No More Sleepless Nights. Insomnia and poor sleep quality is a problem for many people. In fact, about 30 percent of Americans struggle with insomnia, according to the American Sleep Association. It's no surprise that falling or staying asleep is difficult if you're in pain or feeling stressed. Luckily, sleeping pills aren't the only solution. Chiropractic offers a completely natural way to relieve pain and stress, helping you get a better night's sleep.
  • Better Control of Chronic Conditions. Chiropractic care may make it easier to manage your chronic health conditions. Treatments can help you avoid flare-ups of arthritis, sciatica, migraines, fibromyalgia, and other conditions. Visiting your chiropractor regularly might also help you manage other types of chronic conditions too, like asthma. Improving spinal alignment gives your lungs more room to expand and also decreases pressure on nerves, improving the function of the nerves that serve the lungs.
  • No Need for Pain Medication. After chiropractic treatment, you may be able to throw away your pain medication, or at least take less of it. Pain medication only provides temporary relief of your symptoms. Once it wears off, the pain returns. Chiropractic care treats the source of your pain and helps your body heal naturally. Since even over-the-counter pain medications can have unpleasant side effects, finding a natural pain relief method can help you protect your health.  

Are you ready to protect and improve your health with chiropractic care? Give Chiropractic Partners a call to arrange a convenient appointment today!


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