Should 10,000 steps a day be your target?  Is it really necessary?

There are studies that show that this target improves heart health, mental health, and even lowers diabetes risk!

With some gyms still closed and cold weather upon us, clearly time outside is limited at the moment, so make the most of every step, get in as much walking as you can!

While the WHO recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week (or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity), research also shows that low or moderate intensity exercise also improves your health. You can make walking count for low, moderate or intense based on your level and the amount of time (and intensity) you put in burning those calories!

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Check out all the wonderful benefits of walking!

  • Heart health: The heart is a muscle that needs to be worked like any other.  Therefore, aim to walk at pace in order to raise your heart rate and fully benefit.  This will help circulation, improve lung capacity, tone the legs and support weight management.
  • Joint health:  One of the many wonderful things about walking is that you can get fit without joint trauma; it’s much more comfortable for the body generally, and it may even ease joint plain.  Plus, if you tackle some hills, you’ll be getting a great workout
  • Blood Sugar Levels: Walking after a meal has been shown to keep blood sugar levels in good balance (even 15 minutes around the block is effective) and any excess calories you’ve eaten will be less likely to be stored as fat.
  • Immunity: Exercise in general boosts immunity by uprating the production of white blood cells, which are key to immune function
  • Energy and Positivity: Because walking increases blood flow and, therefore, oxygen around the body, you’ll naturally feel more energized after a walk.  And this oxygen will also reach your brain, allowing your head to feel clearer, and often more creative.
  • Emotional health: Walking is a great time for thinking, planning, problem-solving and being aware of the environment around you.  It’s amazing how much more positive you can feel even after just a short walk.  Use the time for just being ‘you’ if you can. Be mindful and enjoy your surroundings – if you’re lucky enough to have a lovely view or open space on your doorstep, then that’s an added bonus.

Bottom Line: Increasing physical activity such as your step count reduces your risk of death,  improves your health, reduces risk of developing chronic illnesses (such as dementia, and certain cancers.) and improves and maintains our immune system!

Good News! Based on the current research out there, it appears that getting 10,000 steps a day isn’t essential for health benefits, but even half that target appears to be beneficial! So get out there and start walking!

Sources: keepaliveuk.com (Keep on walking during lockdown) 

theconversation.com  (Do we really need to walk 10,000 steps a day?)


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