Did you know that most sciatica victims confuse it with lower back pain? However, researchers estimate that about 40% of people will experience sciatica at least once during their lifetime. Sciatica is not a natural condition but an indication of another problem involving the sciatic nerve. Our chiropractors at Chiropractic Partners provide natural treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, including sciatica. 

If you live in Raleigh (including the North Raleigh, North Hills/Midtown, Capital Blvd areas) or around Clayton, Fuquay, Durham, Garner, or Wake Forest, contact our team today to schedule an appointment at Chiropractic Partners.  We are ready to restore your health and wellness!

The Causes of Sciatica

Lumbar spinal stenosis: This is a contraction of the spinal cord in the lower back that causes sciatic nerve pain.

Spondylolisthesis: Is a condition where the predominant disc slides onward over the vertebra underneath, triggering sciatic nerve pain.  Sciatica may result from nerve compression following the disc space collapse, fracture, and forward slipping of the vertebral body.  Let our team of experts discuss your disc problems such as: herniated disc, bulging disc, or slipped disc. 

Degeneration:  Degenerated intervertebral discs may be causing inflammation of the sciatic nerve.  Our team will provide a thorough exam and provide x-rays if needed.

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SI joint): Irritation of the SI join (located at the bottom of the spine) could also be causing sciatica-type pain.

Tumors in the spine: Rare, but this could be compressing the root of the sciatic nerve, and you would most likely be referred to a specialist or your primary care physician. 

Cauda equina syndrome: Rare, but severe condition that affects the nerves in the lower parts of the spinal cord.  You would most likely be referred to a specialist or your primary care physician. 

The Symptoms of Sciatica

Common symptoms include:

  • Numbness in the leg along the nerve
  • Pain that gets aggravated by movement
  • Burning or tingling sensations down the leg
  • Hip, Gluteus, and thigh pain
  • Lower back pain


Chiropractic Care for Sciatica Treatment

Spinal Adjustments: The chiropractor may find misaligned discs, such as the lower lumbar vertebra. Chiropractors alleviate these misalignments by using chiropractic adjustments. These adjustments are also often combined with other therapies to support the recovery process.

Spinal Decompression: This traction is performed with a traction table connected to a computer. The lower back mitigates both the nerve and disc pressure.

Exercises: Our chiropractor will likely blend core exercises to assist in strengthening your abdominal and lower back muscles. These exercises can be done at home between visits.

Contact Our Team at Chiropractic Partners!

Are you looking for chiropractic care for sciatica or lower back pain? If you live in or around Clayton, Fuquay, North Raleigh, North Hills/Midtown, Durham, Garner, Wake Forest, our team at Chiropractic Partners  is here to help. We will perform a comprehensive examination and create a customized treatment plan designed to provide relief and support the healing process.  Don't wait, give us a call today!


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