If you're struggling with back pain, Chiropractic Partners can help!

Low back pain can present symptoms in so many different ways that it’s almost as unique as the individual. For the sake of simplicity we can categorize a lot of the common causes of back pain as: 

muscle strain, facet irritation, SI joint sprain, disc herniation, and sciatica.

  • Herniated Disc: The discs in the spine serve as cushions that absorb shock for every time we move. When the soft gel-like material in a disc ruptures out of the tough outer layer, it presses on a spinal nerve, which causes back pain.
  • Muscle Strain: Any sudden, awkward twisting or repeated lifting can put a strain on the muscles in the back and make the back ache.
  • Sciatica: As the largest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve can become irritated or pinched by a nearby spinal disc. This problem sends sharp or shooting pain to the back. 
  • Facet irritation: Can be very common and, thankfully a treatable condition. A lack of movement designed to protect the joint, stops the joint from preforming the movement necessary to push out that inflammation. This is where the adjustment helps get those joints moving again, speeding up the healing process and helping to reduce pain.
  • SI joint pain: This joint is crucial to proper lower back and even hip movement. If that joint is locked up it can cause a lot of pain, which is why a chiropractic manipulation is so effective. Other treatments like NSAIDs and stretches can help temporarily, but until that joint is moving properly again those treatments tend to be just band aids.

Our Chiropractors Help with Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is part of any good injury recovery plan. In your rehabilitation sessions, you will work with our chiropractor to exercise and stretch the muscles in your lower back. This might also involve learning how to use the muscles again in a safe but effective manner. The goal of rehabilitation is not only to help you begin using these muscles again but also to ensure that you do not become injured again in the future. For this reason, our chiropractors provide a variety of techniques to keep you safe as you focus on recovery.


Visit Us for Natural Relief Treatments from Your Lower Back Pain

Our team at Chiropractic Partners is ready to help you find relief from whatever pain or discomfort you may be experiencing. Our unique approach to chiropractic care allows our professional staff to provide the personalized treatment our patients need for optimal results. 

At Chiropractic Partners, we offer chiropractic care that addresses back pain. We can use adjustments (spinal manipulations) to make sure the spine is properly aligned.  Our chiropractic treatments also may include using a variety of therapies, like exercise, massage, spinal decompression, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, and laser therapy. This will help to alleviate the pain, prevent the back muscles from weakening, improve flexibility and movement, and stop back pain recurrence!

If you are looking for a "chiropractor near me," contact us to schedule an appointment or to learn more about how we can help your back and neck pain. To better serve you, our chiropractors are conveniently located throughout the Triangle- So whether you are in Raleigh, Durham, Cary, Clayton, Fuquay, Wake Forest and Garner we are here to restore your health and wellness today!


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