Headaches & Migraines

Do you suffer from constant headaches or migraines? At Chiropractic Partners, we can help reduce the intensity and frequency of your head pain. If you are in Raleigh, Cary, Durham, or the surrounding areas, please book an appointment at one of our locations for natural and non-invasive relief.

Spotting the Signs of Migraines and Headaches

While most people think that a migraine is a headache, differentiating the two is essential when seeking treatment. Headaches cause head, face, or upper neck pain, while a migraine is a neurological disease involving nerve pathways and chemicals. If you have constant migraines, it’s essential to know that there are various types of migraines. Some migraines cause patients to see halos around lights. While others may see flashing lights minutes before head pain begins. Other migraines strike without any warning and result in signs such as:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Light and noise sensitivity
  • Localized headache on one side

Our chiropractors will help you identify the type of migraine wreaking havoc on your health.

How Chiropractors Treat Headaches and Migraines

During your first consultation, our chiropractic team will diagnose the root cause of your head pain and create a personalized treatment plan to properly treat the condition. Chiropractic adjustments impact how the spinal nerves communicate with the rest of the body. Lifting pressure off the nervous system helps coordinate body functions better, including pain management. If your headache results from tight neck muscles, massage therapy releases tension in restricted muscles, relieving neck pain and headaches. Also, upper spine manipulations effectively reduce the severity and occurrence of tension headaches.

Visit Us for Chiropractic Care for Headache or Migraine Relief 

If you are suffering from headaches or migraines, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Chiropractic Partners for a professional assessment. Our chiropractors can determine what is causing your head pain and recommend non-invasive and natural treatment options to reduce its severity and frequency. Contact us today to schedule your first consultation or to learn more about how we help patients in Raleigh, Cary, and Durham, NC.


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