
Knee Pain

Knee Pain Relief 

Lasting Knee Pain relief

Knee pain is extremely common in the United States. It’s responsible for about a third of all doctor’s visits for bone and muscle pain. But there is a fast and effective solution to knee pain.

Dr. Jere Jarrett trained under leading chiropractors at the world-renowned National College of Chiropractic. Over the decades he’s continued to learn how to effectively treat health conditions, including knee pain, and has amassed over 600 hours in advanced education coursework.

Using drug-free, nonsurgical chiropractic techniques, Dr. Jere has brought real knee pain relief to hundreds of people since 1988.

What causes Knee Pain?

The knee is the largest joint in the body. Knee pain is an incredibly common complaint, and there are many causes. For athletes, knee pain is a special problem and about half of all athletes have to deal with it every year.

Because the knee has many parts that can be damaged, there are many possible causes of knee pain. Knee pain can be caused by injuries, mechanical issues, types of arthritis and other problems. In fact, knee arthritis is the single greatest cause of chronic disability among U.S. adults age 65 and older.

Other parts of the body can influence the knee and cause it pain or place undue stress on it, such as the low back, pelvis, hip, ankle and foot.

Less known as a cause of knee pain, is the weakness of the supporting muscles caused by nutritional imbalances or allergies. Any joint is kept stable and strong through the muscles. Muscle systems can be weakened through lack of the right nutrition as well as being aggravated by allergic reactions.

Locating the exact source of your Knee problem

Dr. Jere is well known for his diagnostic skills. He uses various tools to locate the correct source of a chronic knee problem in order to provide effective pain relief.

These include a study of your medical, symptom and lifestyle history; a full examination of your knee and areas of the body that can affect it; x-rays as needed and the advanced technique of muscle testing.

Muscle testing helps Dr. Jere isolate which organs or other parts of the body are influencing the knee and which nutrients are needed to put it back to normal. Any knee pain, including sports or other injuries, can be improved by giving the afflicted area what it needs to recover.

Discovering this information assists Dr. Jere in the creation of the most appropriate pain relief treatment plan for your knee problem.

Effective treatment for relieving Knee Pain

Dr. Jere’s uses a variety of state-of-the-art treatment methods to get people out of pain quickly. Here are some of the methods he uses:

Chiropractic Adjustment

While the spine is most commonly adjusted, the chiropractic adjustment can be performed at any joint. Adjustment brings motion back to stuck joints reducing nervous system disruption and allows the body to heal and return to normal.

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy is proven to painlessly stimulate tissue growth and repair. The cold laser accelerates healing, and decreases inflammation, swelling, muscle spasm, stiffness and pain.

Nutritional Counseling

Dr. Jere has extensive training and experience in nutritional counseling. He can offer specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices to enhance your return to optimal health.

Other treatments for Knee Pain

Dr. Jere might recommend other kinds of treatment for strengthening your knee muscles or relieving pain and muscle tension. This can include measures to reduce inflammation such as rest, ice, massage and an exercise program.

Exam, and Consultation Special Offer

Dr. Jere uses a series of diagnostic tests to establish the cause of your neck pain and to devise an effective treatment plan.

Your Exam, and Consultation includes:

  • Complete diagnostic chiropractic exam
  • Comprehensive consultation
  • First chiropractic treatment
  • Health evaluation
  • Learn your treatment options
  • Get any questions answered

For only $150. Usual price is $300!

*See restrictions and limitations on the Offers page.

To make an appointment, call 727.447.4647 or click here to request an appointment online.

Tips for preventing Knee Pain

Nearly everyone has experienced knee pain. However, most chronic knee pain is avoidable. The following are not all that you can do to prevent knee pain, but they are some of the more important pain prevention tips.

  • Maintain an appropriate weight for your size and age to decrease knee stress.
  • Strengthen your knees with toning exercises.
  • Try to include flexibility exercises in your workouts.
  • Warm up before workouts.
  • Stretch your muscles before and after workouts.
  • Increase your workout intensity slowly.
  • If you’re walking, jogging or running, wear sensible shoes with a good fit.
  • If possible, don’t run, jog or walk on concrete.
  • Wear knee protection during sports or recreational activities, such as roller-skating, wrestling, soccer or volleyball.
  • Use the correct techniques or positions during activities so you don’t strain your muscles.

To make an appointment, call 727.447.4647 or click here to request an appointment online.