

Like an old country doctor, Dr. Jere makes weekend house calls

“On Sunday my daughter Haley was feeling very ill. She had a rash all over her legs, a fever, and had been vomiting all night. I called Dr. Jere and he met us at his office right away ON HIS WEEKEND to treat her.

“Haley is normally very energetic and very talkative. This morning she hardly said a word and didn’t want to move. After Dr. Jere treated her, she perked up, her energy level came back, she started talking a lot and was feeling great. Within an hour her hay fever was gone and she was jumping on the trampoline throwing water balloons.

“Dr. Jere has always gone out of his way to make sure Haley and I are both well cared for. This is not the first time he has came in on his weekend or taken an evening call to help us. He always provides amazing care, goes that extra mile, and really helps.

“Thank you Dr. Jere for making sure my baby is taken care of and all my concerns are handled. You are an amazing doctor and I appreciate all you have done for my family.”

-Lindsey L.

Dr. Jere gave Kathi her son back to her.

“With the beginning of a New Year I feel I must write this letter to you in deepest appreciation. You, and all of Family Life, have dramatically changed my life. Not only have your treatments reduced my migraines to almost non-existent, but you have given my son back to me. That may sound a little dramatic, but it is 100%true.

“For four and a half years Matthew has been diagnosed with asthma. Up until five months ago, Matt was sickly. Pale, underweight and weak, were just a few of his problems. He also had dark circles under his eyes, always had a stuffy-runny nose, and he could not get through the night without a coughing jag that would leave him limp.

“It would take a five page medical journal to explain all the medications he was on. He was actually given medicines to help repair the damage the other prescriptions were causing. In spite of all of this medical “‘help” he was always sick. On top of all that, the medications made him hyper, moody and totally unbalanced.

“However, five months ago my parents suggested I let you take care of Matt. At, first, we all know, I was apprehensive. I couldn’t imagine how “cracking” a back could cure asthma. I still don’t know how you did it, but today Matt is not on any medications. He doesn’t even take a pain killer for headaches. When he gets a cold, and don’t we all, his body fights the germs all by itself. He is the healthiest one in the family. I never thought I would utter those words about Matthew. I had assumed he would always be “sick”, probably because that is what pediatricians and specialists told me.

“One year ago Matt was on antibiotics for four months straight! Today, he is totally healthy with diet, vitamins and your adjustments. He is back to the sweet-natured little boy that I had lost to medications. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done. You have literally changed my family’s life. We are no longer held back by Matt’s limitations; he is now held back by ours – age and time!

“Again, my deepest gratitude to you, your staff and chiropractic care. We never could have done it without you!”

-Kathi R.

Ann thanks Dr. Jere for her improving health.

“With Thanksgiving just around the corner I thought I’d write you because I’m so thankful! For all that you do to help me to keep improving my health.

“Over the years you have helped me handle my body conditions. The muscle testing that you do is so accurate in helping to find what needs to be handled and with what supplement or adjustment is necessary.

“I consider you my primary physician Dr. Jere. I can count on you to fully listen to my concerns and handle my body effectively, efficiently and with lots of caring.”

-Ann S.

Dr. Jere gave Becky a “new body.”

“I arrived in Clearwater September 29th, 2000 with a body that was completely out of sorts. I had been in bed for a week at home in Connecticut. My body was completely out of energy. I was not sleeping very well and actually getting little sleep each night. I had little to no appetite. And it was very uncomfortable getting out of bed.

“My joints and muscles hurt, it was very uncomfortable at the tail end of my spine and made it hard to sit down for any length of time. I became winded and exhausted at the slightest bit of walking upstairs. I could not comfortably stand up for any prolonged period without leaning over at my waist to relieve the pressure in my back and was very easily enturbulated in general.

“Checking in with Dr. Jere (thank heavens for my sister Ann who made the appointment!) an hour after having arrived in town, I then proceeded to have adjustments every other day for the remainder of my two week stay. After about the first three adjustments, I began to realize I didn’t have the need or inclination to go back to bed, I was getting out of bed with no pain or difficulty.

“After about the fourth or fifth adjustment, I had my first nonstop night’s sleep I think I have had in five to six months. It was pure luxury! Then, after adjusting hormonal levels, I noticed the extra and unusual weight gain the body had experienced over the last six months was beginning to noticeably wane. The pajamas I brought with me which fit when I arrived were falling off of me by the time I left!

“As I continued my adjustments, totaling seven or eight in all, Dr. Jere confirmed there was good change occurring. By the time I left on October 14, I had no physical complaints to extend to Dr. Jere during my last adjustment! We both laughed and concurred: I had a new body!

“I cannot emphasize enough how incredible this change is and how quickly it occurred. The team there at Family Life Chiropractic is unbeatable. I cannot thank you all enough: especially you, Dr. Jere. You are one in a million! THANK YOU!”

-Becky K.

Robert is feeling as good as he has ever felt in his life.

“Just for the record I just have to write to let you know how good Jere is. I am definitely a “health nut” and, on a physical level, I strive for perfection.

“I have been seeing Dr. Jere for many years now. I don’t see him because I have terrible pains or anything like that. I see him to reach the ideal scene for my body.

“I can safely say that, physically, Dr. Jere has brought me to different levels! He can always find what my body is lacking nutritionally and correct it. Also he knows just what to do to get the body to take over and do its job once again.

“In all honesty I am eight years older from when I first started to see Dr. Jere and I feel as good physically now on a continuous basis as the best times I have ever felt in my life.”

-Robert S.

Pam’s body feels 500% better than it has in three decades.

“Since coming here and getting an adjustment every other week my body feels 500% better than it has in 30 years! I thought because of the mess my spine was in that certain changes would be impossible – not true! I feel just great!

“I work in the garden for five hours straight in all kinds of odd postures and do not throw back out amazing! I can bicycle miles and miles – no problem. I’m pretty happy as you can imagine! Chiropractic really does work”!

-Pam T.

Fellow chiropractor thinks Dr. Jere is one of the best.

“I am a chiropractor myself and have been adjusted many ways, many times and by many doctors. Dr. Jere is by all means one of the best. Thanks doc”!!

-Dr. Brad P., DC

Dr. Jarrett has changed Amnoo’s life.

“Dr. Jarrett has changed my life! The rest is detail. My blood pressure has dropped from 150-160/100-110 to 130/80. I’ve lost 16 pounds and I’m still losing more. I don’t get tired at all.

“Even my wife likes me better now, I never thought all of this was possible and I’d rather not think of the implications had Dr. Jarrett not found and treated the poisonous metal in my body. Yes, he probably saved my life. I love this man! This is all true”.

-Amnoo O