
Services & Techniques

Chiropractic Services at Family Life Chiropractic

If you have been injured in an accident or are suffering from joint or muscle pain, one of the best and least invasive treatments available is chiropractic care. Treatment can help with muscle rehab, spinal decompression, joint pain, whiplash, and whole-body care. Our team at Family Life Chiropractic in Clearwater can help relieve your pain. We are committed to treating your headaches, migraines, joint pain, sciatica, low back pain, herniated disc, and their underlying causes.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care involves manual manipulation and hands-on spinal adjustment to treat pain in the spine, arms, legs, neck, and other areas. Our chiropractor offers different techniques to help realign the spine, discs, bones, and joints to relieve pain and promote proper healing. We often design strengthening and stretching exercises for patients to do at home. These exercises strengthen muscles, help to manage pain, and improve mobility.

Injury Care

If you have been in an auto accident, you may have experienced whiplash or sustained injuries that are not severely painful. However, those injuries can cause serious problems later in life if left untreated. We use spinal manipulation to help realign the spine and reduce pain from an injury. Suppose your injury has resulted in a herniated disc. In that case, we can treat your condition with spinal decompression by gently stretching the spine and allowing increased circulation of nutrients to the disc.

We also use myofascial release treatment for damaged muscles and soft tissues to effectively alleviate pain and improve the healing process. We will design a program with a combination of therapies that are customized to your needs. Chiropractic care combined with other treatments helps heal injuries without surgery or medications.

Headaches, Diseases, and Chronic Illness Treatments

Our chiropractic care helps to relieve whatever kind of headache pain you are experiencing. Our treatment can help with conditions like TMJ, shin splints, pinched nerves, heel pain, and arthritis. A combination of chiropractic care, lifestyle changes, and corrective exercises are used to manage pain depending on the patient. Managing chronic disease often benefits from holistic chiropractic care with spinal adjustments, nutritional counseling, and corrective exercises. All contribute to overall good health and well-being.

Regenerative Medicine, Corrective Exercises, and Nutritional Counseling

We offer much more than leading chiropractic care at our practice. Our regenerative medicine can effectively speed up the healing process for various injuries. Our chiropractor will recommend corrective exercises you can do at home to continue improving your body’s wellness beyond our sessions. We also provide nutritional advising and lifestyle coaching. Whether you need advice on the best nutritional plan to follow for your body to heal properly or how to achieve your personal fitness goals, we are here to help you with our years of medical experience and knowledge of the human body. 

Contact Us for an Appointment in Clearwater, FL

At Family Life Chiropractic, we provide quality treatment to patients in the Clearwater area for whatever pain or discomfort they may be experiencing. Even if you do not have a condition or injury that requires additional care, we also provide spinal screenings, rehab exercises, massage therapy, and more. Call us at 727-447-4647 to find out how we can provide the treatment you need.