
Spring Time Related Health Issues

Spring Time Related Health Issues

Spring is a joyous time for the renewal of life and connection to nature.  This is an amazing time, but it can also lead to its own set of health problems.  Digestive problems, back injuries, allergies, and hormonal health are more common in the spring months.  Most people might be unaware that chiropractic can help with many of these health problems and even prevent them from occurring. Chiropractic is a lifestyle success strategy that is more than just the treatment of a specific condition.

Diet and Allergies

Changing what we eat, even if it is more fresh veggies and fruit that is more abundant with warmer temps, can bring to light some digestive problems that might be present year-round.  Constipation, heartburn, sour stomach, stomas pains or gall bladder flare-ups are all more prevalent when you change your diet.  It is not that you are eating the wrong things, but your digestive system is not healthy enough to eat real food.  The solution is not to skip the good stuff, but to heal your gut.  Chiropractic and real whole food supplements can go a long way to getting your gut back on track.

Back injuries don’t just start when you have pain.  That is akin to heart disease and toothaches starting when you have symptoms and pain.  Typical back pain that starts with normal activities shows that your back was in a weakened state or had a previous injury before you bent over that flower bed or pickup that tire.  Chiropractic can help with injuries getting you back to your life sooner with no side effects like medication, but regular chiropractic care can prevent injuries from happening in the first place.

Chiropractic Solutions To Allergies

Allergies are also typical in the spring but just because a lot of people have allergies does not make them normal.  Healthy people can be in any environment with no hyper-immune reaction to the pollen in the air.  If you do have allergies, then your body is not healthy and is reacting in an unhealthy way.  The specific chiropractic care given at Live Well can help your body return to healthy and eliminate your hyper-reaction to pollens.

Tips To Resolve Digestive Issues

We also teach our patients that what they eat can dramatically change their allergy symptoms.  Eliminating milk, gluten and sugar go a long way to help.  Including foods like local honey, fermented foods, apple cider vinegar and pineapple can help minimize symptoms.

Chiropractic Solutions To A Myriad of Issues 

Thyroid symptoms can cause health problems all year, but spring can make the problem even worse.  Your thyroid helps regulate body temperature, and with spring temperature that fluctuates, your thyroid could be under more stress. One of the more successful approaches to thyroid health is a good whole-body detox, proper blood tests, and specific adjustment to the nervous system that controls thyroid health.  Many of our patients have noticed a major difference in their thyroid health and even been able to decrease or eliminate their thyroid medication.

Make sure you are ready to enjoy one of the best times of the year by having your health, nervous system and nutrition evaluated by natural health experts at Live Well Chiropractic.


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8:30 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-12:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:00 am-12:00 pm



